Paper coordinates

An understanding of the coordinate system used by to view (and print) a DVI page would be useful. 's internal units are called ``paper pixels''. The resolution parameters in a configuration file define the number of paper pixels per inch; the viewing_resolution is only used when viewing a DVI file and the printing_resolution is only used when printing a DVI file on a non-PostScript printer (for a PostScript printer, dvips uses the resolution specified in uses a coordinate scheme in which the paper pixel at (0,0) is exactly one inch in from the top and left edges of the paper. This position is referred to as the ``TEX origin'' because it is also the origin of the coordinate system used in DVI files. Every character, rule or \special has a specific location defined by a pair of paper pixels (h,v). Vertical coordinates increase down the paper and horizontal coordinates increase to the right. If the view window is frontmost then the cursor is changed to a cross whenever it moves over the contents region. The current position of the cross is shown (in paper coordinates) in a box at the lower left corner of the view window. You can click in this box to change units (set the units to px to see paper pixel values).